Upcoming Events
Past Events
Sept 2020
30th - Black Suffering & Spiritual Protest in the Age of American Empire
Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University
January 2019
24th - 4 pm - History Matters: Heather D. Curtis and Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals and Global Aid
Congregational Library & Archives, Boston, MA
January 2019
4th - Cosmopolitan Evangelicals and Global Compassion: A Roundtable Discussion of Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals and Global Aid
American Society of Church History Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
5th - New Directions in Social Christianity and American Global Consciousness
American Society of Church History Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
November 2018
9th - Humanitarianism, Emergency, and the Politics of Religion
American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
12th - The Gospel of Grain: Evangelical Humanitarianism and the Global Expansion of American Enterprise
Global Faith and Worldly Power: Evangelical Encounters with American Empire Conference, Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenburg University Mainz, Germany
17th - Empire of Humanity, Empire of Capital
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
18th - God’s Kingdom and American Empire: A Roundtable Discussion of Holy Humanitarians and The Kingdom of God Has No Borders
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
October 2018
26th - Holy Humanitarians: Evangelical Media and the Making of American Philanthropy
Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture, IUPUI
25th - Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals and Global Aid, Past & Present
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain
July 2018
11th - 7pm - Holy Humanitarians Discussion and Book Signing
Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA
June 2018
28th - 6pm - Holy Humanitarians Book Launch and Discussion
University College London, Institute of the Americas, London, England
MAY 2018
4th - 1:30 pm - Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals & Global Aid, Past & Present
Project on Military and Diplomatic History, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.
APRIL 2018
26th - 6:30 pm - Holy Humanitarians Launch and Discussion
The Bowery Mission, New York, NY
MARCH 2018
28th - 3pm - Holy Humanitarians Launch and Reception
Tufts University, Cabot 702, Medford, MA. Co-sponsored by the Fletcher Initiative on Religion, Law & Diplomacy; the Center for the Humanities at Tufts; the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life; and the Ginn and Tisch Libraries.
28th - 7pm - Holy Humanitarians Launch and Book Signing
Wakelin Room, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA. Sponsored by the Imago Dei Fund.